The recent acrimonious war of words between Malaysia and Singapore, initiated by the former, over water agreements and a tiny island has strained the relations between the close neighbours.
To make sense of it, one must look back in history as these unedifying spats, though disturbing to their citizens and investors alike, are not unique to these two neighbours with close links.
It is supreme irony that the world is replete with historical precedents of nations, especially those bound by traditional, ethnic, cultural, or religious ties, who had been at each other's throats or were disenchanted with one another for differing reasons.保定翻译公司推荐阅读
We have seen how turbulent relations had, over time, led to wars or violent clashes between Arabs and Jews, and between English and Irish, Indians and Pakistanis and, more recently, Serbs and Bosnians.
At the lighter end of the scale, there isn't much love lost between Japanese and Koreans, Americans and Europeans, English and French and Thais and Cambodians. Malaysia and Singapore could, perhaps, now fall within this group.
What are some of the compelling factors that have brought about these ugly spectacles between countries? Are there no panaceas that would enable them to co-exist peacefully?
Judging from past happenings, the following factors do stand out:
Firstly, The close bonds that two nations share are no guarantee that they will always get on famously. In actual fact, the risks of conflicts arising are, perhaps, even higher. This is often true when one neighbour is highly successful and the other not.
Such disparity in national fortunes can, and often does, create envy and resentment, especially if the former is perceived as being unhelpful or supercilious in its treatment of the other.
Secondly, since time immemorial, serious territorial disputes, usually legacies of history, have continued to be one of the most common causes of war or discord between the protagonists. Unless and until such a dispute is resolved through a mutually acceptable settlement, and not one imposed by a third party, genuine rapproachment between the parties is likely to elude them.
Thirdly, throughout the ages, wars had erupted in the name of religion to suit the combatants' own selfish political or military objectives, despite the fact that these would negate the fundamental tenet of that particular faith.
Unfortunately, such misuse of religion had happened time and again and this problem remains today.
Fourthly, relentless racial hatred has also figured prominently in armed conflicts, with devastating losses in innocent lives and untold human sufferings.
The lessons that history has taught us are that peace is sacrosanct and every nation must do its utmost to uphold it. However, the unpredictability of the human mind makes it almost impossible to predict what two antagonistic nations might do in certain adverse circumstances.
On the other hand, good neighbourliness, once destroyed, is difficult to be restored fully except in the fullness of time or through the indefatigable statesmanship of sagacious leaders, as well as the will of the people on both sides.
Be that as it may, nothing will more swiftly unite two previous foes in a common front if they are threatened by a potential enemy perceived to be more dangerous than their erstwhile opponent.
This was how the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) came into being after World War II, aimed at safeguarding Western European countries from being swallowed up militarily by the mighty Soviet Union.
Now that the Soviet Union is dead and buried, and Russia is no longer a military threat to the West, the cohesiveness of NATO is being put to a formidable test pending the looming American and British led war against Iraq.
(The writer is a retired lawyer.)保定翻译公司推荐阅读