1. His English is anything but correct. 他的英文错误百出。
2. His English is nothing but correct. 他的英文只是不错而已。
3. His English is all but correct. 他的英文差不多没有错误。
学外语的要时时防止掉进陷阱,如Dutchman一词有时不能译成荷兰人,而是虚伪和可恨的同义词。I’m a Dutchman if it is true. 译成真的我就是一个荷兰人就完全错了,正确理解是:绝无其事。
good 不总是表示好的意思。例如,I shall leave here for good next year. 千万不要理解为:明年我将好好地离开这里。正确的理解是:明年我离开这里不再回来。
胜任英语翻译是一件不容易的事,既要认真细致,又不能一字不落地按字面翻译,否则会贻笑大方。有些很熟悉的词也不能掉以轻心。He is brave like anything. 一句简单句该如何译?他像任何东西一样勇敢,错!应是:其勇无比。
子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”The Master said, “If one learns from others but does not think, one will be bewildered. If, on the other hand, one thinks but does not learn from others, one will be imperiled.” “学”是否可用 study或reading。尽信书而不思考,不如不读书
辨别错误It was not that he had plenty of money. 他并不是有很多的钱。(误)那并不是因为他有很多的钱。(正)
But for hope, life would be short.学生译:但是因为希望,人生是苦短的。but for相当于if it were not for,看到would be应该判断出虚拟语气。专家译为:如果没有希望,人生苦短。