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This episode of news was proudly made possible by the all-new 2013 Subaru Legacy.it's not just a sedan it's a Subaru.
这段视频的出品感谢2013 Subaru Legacy的贡献。这并不是夸大其词,而是事实。

If you're unhappy at work but not quite ready to quit your job just yet, then science has offered up an easy solution:adopt a plant.

Hey guys terror here for the news and if you work in an office with a bunch of people then you know just how important in maintaining your personal spaces to your sanity.What we might not know is that plants can have a very real impact on your emotional state of mind.

A new study from the University of Queensland finds that an office in Ridgewood plants doesn't just make employees happier and actually boost productivity by 15 percent. This is the first study that looks at the long-term effects that plants have on the quality a professional life, but it's timely considering a lot of companies are now starting to adopt the idea of mean office management, with a strip the office have any extraneous decorations to reduce distractions and so they can accommodate more people is needed. Most studies up until now concluded that a mean office environment is a more productive one.

But according to this study that may not be entirely true, researchers looked at employees from small to large commercial offices in the UK and the Netherlands and monitor their productivity levels over two month period, during which time plants were introduced into the workplace,employees were also surveyed on their concentration levels, workplace satisfaction, and the perceptions of air quality with your office.It turns out employees from previously lean office environments became more satisfied with their workplace reported increased concentration levels and perceives the air quality in our offices to be better once plants were introduced, and the improved quality of life lead to a more effective workplace, according to the author of the study. Adorning your office with plants hopes employees be physically mentally and emotionally more involved in their work. And he believes the reason for that is that it communicates to workers that their employer cares about them and their welfare very happy, if your employees hate you just buy them a few plants or maybe stop having such a terrible workplace. What do you guys think? Everything having plants in my home makes me happier person.

What about the office? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below as always thank you guys for watching.


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